- Concealed hinges on this safe. Mechanical combination lock. Silver turn handle to move the boltwork.
- Safe moving during a major refit. Chubb Isolator through Milner strong room door. Bank vault.
- Spare parts for safes. CM chain driven Isolator unit for sale £350 no locks. Chatwood Milner Chubb EDR safe replacement
- Alan picked open a curtained Milner safe lock.
- Milner safe picked open after keys lost
- Chatwood Milner safe with 6K75 curtained safe lock picked open using wires. The pin and cam decoder did not give much response on this one.
- Unusual safe inside a filing cabinet. Unlocked without drilling or damage. Manifoil combination lock dialled open.
- Alan picking open a double bitted Chatwood lock
- Milner curtained safe lock picked open by Alan Morgan
- Alan picking open a Chatwood Duplextra safe with double bitted ten lever lock
See also: Chubb Safes | Churchill Safes | Dudley Safes | SMP Safes | Tann Safes