- Churchill Magpie Wall safe. CHAPS. Anti pick lock.
- Under Floor Safe. This handle is just to lift the lid. The key lock drives the boltwork. Other safes have a turn handle too.
- This safe has a knurled turn handle to move the boltwork. And a handle to lift the door up.
- Another firm of locksmiths drilled a hole THIS big into this Churchill Underfloor safe. They still couldn’t open it. We had to come and sort it out. However at no point did this safe need drilling. DO NOT let anyone drill your safe until you have spoken to several specialist firms to make sure it is the only way.
- Churchill Under Floor Safe picked open. No drilling or damage. New lock fitted for another happy customer.
- Churchill “Domestic” model UFS Under Floor Safe for sale. Replacement safe spares
- For sale 2nd hand safes
See also: Chubb Safes | Dudley Safes | Milner/Chatwood Milner Safes | SMP Safes | Tann Safes